Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Kitchen Remodel!

This will be the last post about our new kitchen....
because, it's finished!
When we decide on something we go after it and get it done. We started with ordering the tile for the fireplace and back splash. When the fireplace was finished, we did the back splash. When the back splash was finished we started on the counter tops. Now after two full weekends working on it - It is done! We are so happy with how it turned out!
This is how Claire felt the whole time we were working.
What a face.

Here is a little section BEFORE...

Here is the same little section AFTER!
How do you like the counter tops? Does it look like granite? It's supposed to, but it is really just paint. Ideally, we would have loved to get real granite counter tops, but that will never be in our budget, so I found this great paint online.
We re-did our fireplace and entire kitchen for under $300 and I think it looks pretty great. (Considering it would have cost around $5000 for new counter tops.)
Some working pictures...
All taped off.
Nate painting the "Iron Core Black Primer"
Some Before and Afters...

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