Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Falls Creek 2010

What a week! We started out feeling a little down because it didn't really feel like Falls Creek.... None of our students seemed to be getting it.... Nate and I just wanted to go "home" to the mission house. Don't get me wrong... We were having some fun times, but nothing of eternal significance was happening.
Paiger, Me, and Jill-O on superhero night.
Nate and I on Nursing Home night.... Nate was a cute old man ;)
Brighan (AKA Aquagirl), Me, and Kym (AKA Tie-Dye girl)
We did have one student saved on Wednesday night and that was a booster for the whole group. We were so proud of Shaylee. But still, throughout the week everyone was just going through the motions... Until the last night. We played a game where there were 12 disciples and they had to witness one-on-one to help save everyone at Falls Creek. Every so often there would be a "disaster" of some kind and people that were wearing certain things, or in a certain grade were "killed" and had to go to "heaven" or "hell". It impacted a lot of our students.
The game impacted a certain young lady that we had been praying for ever since we moved and others had been praying for several years. Little Sara was broken over the fact that she went to "hell" in the game (because of silly bands... Praise the Lord for silly bands). I had the opportunity to talk with her and one of our other students about what was going on. She knew that she needed Jesus, but something was holding her back.... And she has been letting something hold her back for a long time.
We just sat and talked and waited for God to move. I could see Him working in Sara's life right in front of my eyes. It was wonderful! After a while, I prayed for Sara -that God would speak to her right then and that He would show her what was holding her back and that an overwhelming peace would fill her heart- and when I finished praying we looked up and Sara said with tears in her eyes, "I want to do it." So we prayed together and Sara invited Christ into her life.
What a night that was! I will never forget Sara's heart felt cry for God to come into her life. I was so blessed to be able to be a part of it.
AND, after Sara was saved at 12:15am, another one of our students that we have been praying for got to talk with Zack and was saved at 1:45am.
August 3oth/31st was a wonderful night/morning!

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