Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Memorable Moments #5: Anniversaries

Everyone keeps talking about how much Nate and I like to be around each other... and how it's weird and whatever. Well you know what I think..... It's weird when you don't want to be around your husband.
I don't know what I would do without him, especially in this in-between time that we seem to be stuck in. Do we live in Rogers or Yukon? I know you would say Yukon, but we would say both. We seem to keep each other motivated and happy even though inside we are always thinking about our house selling and moving on with our lives. God, please remove this burden and sell our house.... We leave it in Your hands and will give You all the Glory when it does sell.
Anyway, this post isn't about the house... again. It is about our anniversaries this far.
---Year One---
What a great year this was. We were really young, in love, and learning to live on our own. It was pretty crazy, but in the best way.
Nate surprised me with a little weekend get-a-way in Eureka Springs. We stayed in a sweet little cabin with a heart-shaped hot tub in the room. Got our first massages. And toured the town. It was great!
---Year Two---
By this time we had figured out how to live away from our family and started to make some really great friends. We were still stinking poor, mostly because we put every extra penny into our cute little house.

We got shoes for each other's gifts.... Then we went a little overboard and got a ceiling fan and a rug for the living room. ha.

---Year Three---

We were the most comfortable we have ever been, loving life in Rogers with our friends, youth, and church. I had graduated college and the search for a job, where I could still help Nate with the youth, was on.

We went to eat (probably at Chili's) and to see the new Batman movie before going on a walk with our dog.

---Year Four---

This was a great year, but one where God was constantly working in our hearts. We learned a lot about what we were made of this year, having to really overcome some huge obstacles. Being in ministry isn't always what you think and we have learned that the hard way.

I don't think we did gifts this year because we had just bought our first car together. We just went to eat and got a chocolate mess at Marketplace.


Since August 19, 2005 we have been through some really great times and some really awful times, but at all times we loved each other. We have still never had a real fight and really know how to communicate and support one another. I know that we have been through more than most couples will ever have to go through. I am so thankful for the wonderful marriage that we have and can't wait for many more anniversaries.

I am really looking forward to this year, because we are taking a five year trip.... somehow.

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