Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Proverbs 16:9

(from Glenette Russell during the Ladies Retreat)
1. God sees and knows our steps
(Psalm 8:4, Isaiah 55:8)
2. You have to take the first step first.
~Don't expect Him to direct your path if you don't have a relationship with Him.
(Proverbs 3:5-6)
*Step one is making the Lord, the Lord of your life.
3. God sees you personally
(Psalm 139:1-7, 14)
4. Our steps are not always as they seem.
(Genesis 39:1-4, 50:20)
~God is always with you
~People are watching your steps
~When you can't see His hand, trust His heart
5. No matter how big or small, a step away from God is a step away from God.
(Jonah 1:3)
*God is patient, all knowing, and willing to wait and forgive.
6. When our steps are firm there is a joy in our hearts.
(Psalm 40:2-3)
Proverbs 16:1-9
vs.1 - God gives us free will
vs.2 - He looks at our hearts and motives
vs.3 - Only through God can we succeed
vs.4 - He has a purpose for everything
vs.5 - God will have the last word
vs.6 - By respecting the Lord, we can avoid evil
vs.7 - We can have peace in the Lord
vs.8 - Dishonesty has a cost
vs.9 - We can plan what we want, but God has the final say.
Follow the perfect steps
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