Friday, February 28, 2014
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
A Sacrifice of Praise
(I’m cracking up at myself right now. It has been over a year since I have touched this blog and in my last post I was talking about not being too attached to Mollie at first. Well fast forward fourteen beautiful months and I am writing this….)
A sacrifice of praise. This little phrase has been in my mind for a while now. Back in October, Nate and I started to really plan for our mission trip to Nicaragua. Since then I have been doubting myself, my reasons for going, and seriously weather I could leave my Mollie girl for a whole week and go to a different country.
Sure, I went on the youth mission trip last summer when she was little and that was bad enough…. but out of the country?!? Ummm, that was a HUGE question in my mind! Since then I have literally been a roller coaster when it comes to Nicaragua. I just want to do what God wants me to do, but my heart already aches when I think about leaving Mollie.
Nate always says that when you’re faced with a decision, the hard way is probably the best. With that mantra in mind, and almost all my senior girls signed up to go, I put my name on the list for Nicaragua. I am a committed person, and I also love to stand next to my husband in ministry so I’m in. I have to be in, right?
I went through lots of scenarios in my head where I didn’t have to go… and lots of scenarios where I had to go. ……….I have been before… They don’t need me… They’ve been before without me… What do I really add to the team… Am I enough… Does God really care if I go… But I need to be there for Nate… What if it’s my last trip with some of these people… I want to spend time with my girls… It will be tons of fun… It will be a great trip… It will help my relationship with Christ… I love witnessing to those people… They are so receptive… If I don’t go, then someone I’m supposed to talk to may not come to a saving knowledge of Christ… Well now Kym’s not going, so I have a reason to drop out right………. WHATEVER. ENOUGH. All this says is I think about myself too much. Mission trips and serving God is not about us. It is never about me or you, it’s all about Jesus Christ.
Galatians 5:6b says, “The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.”
That’s the answer. I had/have to get over myself… Surrender my fears… and focus on sharing the love of Christ! That’s all that matters for my whole life. I have to make God my #1… and when there are opportunities to serve Him and share Him, I have to do it. Even if that means a whole week away from my daughter.
It is my sacrifice of praise. It is a big deal for me to do this. It takes a lot for me to surrender my fears and leave Mollie. And it is not going to be easy at all. I will definitely cry every day, and you probably shouldn’t talk to me all the way to DFW, but I’m going. That’s right people, you better believe I’m going.
I’m going to share the love of Christ.
I’m going to prove to myself that HE is my peace when my fears are crippling.
I’m going to trust in HIS providential wisdom.
I’m going to put HIM #1.
I’m going to give my sacrifice of praise to HIM.
What are you struggling with today? Is it fear and selfishness, like me? What do you need to sacrifice to praise God better? Is HE your #1?
Other blogs about fear: Lord Increase My Faith Decrease My Fears, Being Fearless, Let Go and Let God, Stand and Fight,
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Disciple Now 2014: SURRENDER
This is probably my favorite youth event we do. It’s a long weekend where we can just get away and grow closer to God and each other. It’s not a whole week, so you don’t get as tired and I don’t have to leave Mollie as long.
This year, the weather was a little crazy. We thought we were going to get snowed in at one point… That didn’t stop us from having so much fun though! We continued our traditions of adults vs. students dodge ball, hide-n-seek in the dark, ropes course, and having Durgan and David come from Rogers to do the music.
I love being a part of these girls’ lives and pray daily that they will see Christ’s love in me and want to know Him more! In May, we will be saying goodbye to three special girls and one special guy. I always hate that time… It’s like I am sending my own kids off to college.
Anyways, this year we talked about SURRENDER!
*Surrender my STUFF:
- What makes me absolutely content?
- Do I see that I am totally rich in Jesus!
- Don’t find security in things.
- Is God my first love?
- We can only have one master –> Seek first the kingdom of God
- A desire for money leads to moral meltdown
- Contentment is based on an awareness of God’s presence!
*Surrender my STATUS:
- You really can’t follow God and “fit in”
- Do I try to improve my status?
- How do I treat the outcasts?
- How can I put others above myself to become a servant like Jesus.
*Surrender my SIN:
- Do I have an urgency to stop my sin?
- Sin = Destruction
- Sin hurts our bodies, relationships, and our souls
- Sexual sin is more damaging because it’s mental, emotional, physical, social, and private.
- Love + Holy Spirit = Victory over sin
- Sin grows (example: if you go barefoot a lot, you build up calluses on your feet. The skin “deadens” so you won’t be sensitive. In the same way we build up calluses on our souls. We stop feeling bad about it so it gets easier to sin.)
- Sin finds its own society – be careful whose advise you follow
- Sin has a cycle – sin, feel sorry, ask for forgiveness, sin… Romans 7:18-25
- Jesus rescued us from this cycle
- God’s spirit brings life!
- Sin doesn’t have to define us
- Repeat this: I am a child of God. I am His masterpiece. He created me to do amazingly good things. I want to surrender my sin and be lifted up by God to a life that is more alive that I’ve ever imagined.
*Lastly, Surrender my SELF:
- Invest myself in what God wants
- Serve!
- Devos and mission trips need to be connected to a life that is connected to God.
- “Take up your cross daily” = Surrendering everything for Him! (freedom, reputation, our very lives)
- Let Jesus define my success!
I was challenged to INVITE HIM TO WORK MIRACLES FROM MY MISERY and BE PATIENT AND GET TO KNOW HIM THROUGH THE PROCESS OF HEALING. God left us here on the earth to feel through our hurts. We can’t even understand the good He has in store for us.